July 2021 marks the 40th Anniversary of Karen Horne’s first solo commercial gallery exhibition. Freshly graduated from Yale University in May 1981, (cum laude with distinction in the art major), Karen had the opportunity to dive right in and present a show of her paintings that July. The gallery was a lovely downtown venue, Lumiere Gallery, Salt Lake City. Many thanks to Tonya Reiter, gallery owner. The show sold well and Karen felt quite fortunate to receive an enthusiastic review from the brilliant artist, professor, and art critic, George Dibble. He wrote with perception about her artwork in his Art Scene column in the Salt Lake Tribune.
George Dibble described Karen as a “new talent with power,” and praised her “still-life, figurative and landscape studies that often sizzle with pure color contrasts”. He sensed her love of paint and declared “these canvases pulse with a real enjoyment of brush on canvas.” Read more of the review below.